Kale Logistics Solutions completes 10 Years in digitizing the global logistics industry

Kale’s Airport Community System (ACS) has altered the air cargo landscape with Next Generation community platform from shipper to consignee and is the first ACS to be implemented in North America at Atlanta International airport in 2019.

Kale Logistics Solutions completes 10 Years in digitizing the global logistics industry

Kale Logistics Solutions (Kale), a purpose-driven organisation and a trusted global IT solutions partner for several Fortune 500 companies worldwide for the Logistics Industry, has completed a decade in offering IT solutions and simplifying operations for the logistics industry.

Kale, incorporated in 2010 is headquartered in India with regional branches and subsidiaries in USA, Canada, Netherlands, UAE, Kenya and Mauritius and serve more than 4500 satisfied customers in 29 countries. Over the years, its deep domain expertise and experience in international logistics and trade services, combined with strong technological know-how have created the best research-driven cargo community platforms and enterprise business automation systems.

The company has been the flag-bearer of paperless trade in the logistics industry with initiatives like the world’s most comprehensive cargo community systems for both Air (Airport Cargo Community System) and Maritime (Port Community System). It has extended its portfolio to offer regulatory single window, digital trade and freight corridor, logistics e-marketplace and bureau services for administrative facilities. Kale’s Airport Community System (ACS) has altered the air cargo landscape with Next Generation community platform from shipper to consignee and is the first ACS to be implemented in North America at Atlanta International airport in 2019.

These cargo community platforms are designed to reduce ownership cost, increase operational efficiency, employee productivity, customer satisfaction and accelerate growth.

A team of highly specialised work-force at Kale work on latest technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence/machine learning and big data. It prides in handling 80 per cent of India’s air cargo on its robust systems and has played a key role in helping India rank 6 in electronic Air Waybill adoption globally. It was recognised by United Nations and Asian Development Bank for its digital trade facilitation platforms and specifically CODEX-Port Community System for enabling speedy tax refunds for exporters from 120 days to 7 days. Kellogg Business School has a case study of Kale’s platforms in its Logistics Journal.

Speaking on the occasion Rajesh Panicker, COO, Kale Logistics Solutions said, “What we are witnessing right now is the start of our long and rapid growth journey, where we are shifting gears for enterprises to build cloud-based foundations that will serve as a resilient, secure and scalable digital core. Our success is a huge endorsement of the increased relevance of our solutions and services to our clients as they pivot to digital simplification and future-ready technologies. Accessibility and Touchless are becoming important attributes for solution design and our platforms continue to gain traction as they enhance enterprises’ digital capability to respond and recover from the pandemic.”

Expressing his delight over completion of 10 years, Amar More, CEO, Kale Logistics Solutions said, “It is a great pleasure to be in the business of logistics and Kale in this decade has witnessed rapid growth. From a humble beginning, Kale is now a preferred global partner for logistics enterprise automation and community platforms. We envision that in the new normal, successful enterprises have to be purpose-driven, autonomous, and highly adaptive in order to drive innovation and to best serve their customers and employees.”

Talking on the event, Vineet Malhotra, director, Kale Logistics Solutions said, “We have always maintained that growth is the best margin lever, and that is very evident in our journey. It is very gratifying to see that what we laid-down as a foundation keystone – digital automation for the logistics industry in now looked up as a cognitive transformation. We continue to invest in our people and are doubling down on building newer capabilities to power the next leg of our growth and market share expansion.”

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