Chapman Freeborn helps deliver 540 kg critical equipment in South Africa
The consignment was for two pieces of cargo, which had to be delivered under 24 hours to prevent the closure of a production line in Pretoria.

Chapman Freeborn through its team in South Africa helped SENATOR INTERNATIONAL deliver critical equipment for an automotive industry giant to prevent the closure of a production line. The Chapman Freeborn South African cargo team received a time critical enquiry from the international shipping and logistics company who had to deliver the cargo but it was important for it to reach within 24 hours. The consignment was for two pieces of cargo amounting to 540 kilos, which was awaiting to be released from a container ship in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The Chapman Freeborn broker team’s objective was to move the cargo in two sections over to the production plant based in Pretoria.
Setting to work, the broker team arranged for the positioning of two Pilatus PC12 aircraft at Port Elizabeth Airport in preparation for SENATOR INTERNATIONAL to deliver the cargo from the container ship. With both parties in place ready to move, time was running out as they waited on the release of the cargo from the ship. Once the cargo was released, Chapman Freeborn took under two and a half hours to take it to Pretoria Airport (PRY).
On arrival, SENATOR INTERNATIONAL assisted in the acceleration of the operation, by gaining airside access to the aircraft which allowed direct access to collect the cargo from the aircraft and delivered it in time to prevent the closure of production. The operation was carried out with the help of Gerhard Coetzee, Chapman Freeborn charter manager and the SENATOR automotive team Johannesburg.