Munich Airport gets contract to develop, operate El Salvador Airport cargo terminal

From asset transition and takeover to service level and setup for standard procedures while also handling cargo related training and business development to help generate a larger output than before.

Munich Airport gets contract to develop, operate El Salvador Airport cargo terminal

The El Salvador government has awarded the contract to develop and operate the El Salvador Airport cargo terminal to Munich Airport International (MAI) and EMCO. The Germany-based airport management and consulting firm along with the Honduran construction will be jointly managing it for 40 years, announced by the government through the Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA).

MAI will be responsible for management and advisory services during every stage of the operations conducted at the cargo terminal. From asset transition and takeover to service level and setup for standard procedures while also handling cargo related training and business development to help generate a larger output than before.

Munich Airport International and EMCO are already in the process of mobilising their teams after the decision was announced on October 9 by the government.

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