Lufthansa Cargo commits to United Nations' sustainability goals
The five sustainability goals which are the focus of Lufthansa Cargo are No Poverty, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure and Climate Action.

Lufthansa Cargo is aligning its corporate responsibility commitment to the sustainability goals of the United Nations (UN). Within the framework of its Agenda 2030, the United Nations had adopted 17 concrete sustainability goals, covering economic, ecological and social aspects. The Agenda 2030 aims to end hunger and poverty on earth over the next ten years, combat inequality, strengthen education, health care and the economy and counteract climate change. Lufthansa Cargo has committed itself to anchoring five selected sustainability goals in its corporate activities and to making a substantial contribution to achieving these goals by 2030.
“Lufthansa Cargo actively supports the sustainability goals of the United Nations. We take our corporate responsibility very seriously and have set ourselves the goal of bundling our wide-ranging social activities in the future in five areas that are particularly closely related to the business activities of Lufthansa Cargo. This will make our past and future commitment even more comprehensible,” explained Peter Gerber, chairman of the Executive Board of Lufthansa Cargo AG.
The five sustainability goals (SDG) which are the focus of Lufthansa Cargo are No Poverty, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure and Climate Action. To fight poverty, Lufthansa Cargo opens up access to the world market for all regions and thus makes a very concrete contribution to local economic development, especially in emerging and developing countries. For good health and wellbeing, the cargo carrier pursues the goal of promoting a healthy life and the well-being of people by ensuring the worldwide supply of sensitive medical goods - especially in times of crisis. It is not only that but also the fact that they make extensive investments in pharmaceutical hubs and close partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry.
Lufthansa Cargo also stands for sustained and broad-based economic growth, thus enabling productive and decent work. The company's history shows that Lufthansa Cargo has always planned and acted for the long term in a volatile market. Phases of high turnover have always been used to make wise investments that paid off in times of crisis. Instead of short-term profit-taking, solid growth is the declared and provable goal of the company. With sustainability being of the key focuses of the future, the cargo carrier is also committed to sustainable industrialisation, supporting innovation and building a crisis-resistant infrastructure.
Last but not the least, Lufthansa Cargo is committed to protecting the environment with measures to mitigate climate change and its effects. Massive investments in new aircraft and lighter equipment as well as participation in CORSIA result in a win-win situation - for the environment and for the air cargo carrier: efficiency is increased on the one hand and fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are reduced on the other.
Lufthansa Cargo considers the focus on the five sustainability goals to be an integral part of its business activities. Together with all employees, but also customers and partners, it wants to bundle all activities and successes in the field of sustainability in a targeted manner. “We are proud to have made our contribution to countless large and small projects over the past decades. This has resulted in initiatives such as Cargo Human Care, Cargo Social Care, Cargo Crisis Care and Cargo Climate Care, which underpin and demonstrate our commitment to corporate responsibility: sustainable commitment is part of us and part of our DNA,” says Gerber. He adds, “But we want to continue to make a difference in the future and look for new solutions to develop our industry in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. We also want to tackle where help is needed to promote equal opportunities.” Lufthansa Cargo also supports the other twelve sustainability goals of the United Nations and helps them in their daily operations.
The Global Gate, which is currently being erected on the Lufthansa Cargo premises at Frankfurt Airport, symbolises in an impressive way the UN's declared goal of contributing to better economic, ecological and social development with the help of sustainability goals. At 24 meters wide and 20 meters high, it is the largest mobile work of art in the world, created by the well-known young German artist of the contemporary era, the 22-year-old Leon Löwentraut. Its design is based on the Brandenburger Tor.