Liege Airport handles more than 600 freighters in a week

Liege Airport reported that it handled more than 600 freighters carrying nearly 20,000 tonnes of cargo on board this week. “Liege Airport is grateful to everybody who has assisted in delivering 1000 tonnes of urgent medical supplies, including 15 million masks,” thanked Steven Verhasselt, vice president – commercial,

Liege Airport handles more than 600 freighters in a week

Liege Airport reported that it handled more than 600 freighters carrying nearly 20,000 tonnes of cargo on board this week.

“Liege Airport is grateful to everybody who has assisted in delivering 1000 tonnes of urgent medical supplies, including 15 million masks,” thanked Steven Verhasselt, vice president – commercial, Liege Airport in a LinkedIn post.

“We were, are and will be fully operational, as part of the Medical Logistics Chain in the fight against the Covid-19 virus. We invite all your capacity requests and are ready to assist whenever possible. We do have our limits of course, but we are ready to even more,” he added.

Liege Airport handles more than 600 freighters in a week

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