LATAM Group delivers relief cargo to the Bahamas
Sep 16, 2019: To aid Hurricane Dorian victims, LATAM Cargo transported 35 tonnes of relief cargo, collected by the UPS Foundation, for the people of Bahamas. As hurricane Dorian passed through the archipelago the storm escalated to categories 4 and 5, and led to one of the greatest natural disasters the islands of the Bahamas […]

Sep 16, 2019: To aid Hurricane Dorian victims, LATAM Cargo transported 35 tonnes of relief cargo, collected by the UPS Foundation, for the people of Bahamas.
As hurricane Dorian passed through the archipelago the storm escalated to categories 4 and 5, and led to one of the greatest natural disasters the islands of the Bahamas have ever experienced.
The B767-300BCF cargo plane flew from the Miami, US to Nassau, a destination outside of the company’s network.
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Medicines, medical instruments, sanitary and edible items were all part of the 35 tonnes of humanitarian aid transported on the Humanitarian Relief Plane provided by LATAM Group. Once in the field all the goods collected for the benefit of those affected were distributed among hospitals and foundations on different islands.
In the face of such dire circumstances the Group activated the Humanitarian Relief Plane initiative via LATAM Cargo.
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“As we have done before in other countries in Latin America, we continue to be available for collaboration in mitigating the suffering of those most affected by natural disasters,” comments Andres Bianchi, CEO of LATAM Cargo.
The Humanitarian Relief Plane is an initiative that falls within the framework of the LATAM Group’s commitment to communities affected by natural disasters, and that makes available the structure, connectivity and capacity to transport company passengers and cargo.
The plane was activated in earlier circumstances for Chile’s forest fires, flooding in Peru, hurricane Maria aftermath in Puerto Rico, and the earthquake in Ecuador, among other cases.