Chinese giant pandas travel to their new home in the Netherlands with the help of Jan de Rijk Logistics
<p style="text-align: justify;">Apr 12, 2017: European transport and logistics service provider Jan de Rijk Logistics transports two giant pandas from Schiphol Airport to Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen, The Netherlands.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The pandas, called Xing Ya and Wu Wen, will be flown from China on a dedicated 10 hour flight with KLM Cargo. The aircraft […]

Apr 12, 2017: European transport and logistics service provider Jan de Rijk Logistics transports two giant pandas from Schiphol Airport to Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen, The Netherlands.
The pandas, called Xing Ya and Wu Wen, will be flown from China on a dedicated 10 hour flight with KLM Cargo. The aircraft is scheduled to be arriving at Schiphol Airport on April 12 at 19:05h. They will be transporting the pandas, guided by police escort, to their new home.
KLM Cargo takes care of the complete journey and has specifically asked Jan de Rijk Logistics to transport this very special shipment on the last part of their journey towards their new home.
The arrival of the giant pandas is part of a comprehensive natural wildlife preservation project between Ouwehands Zoo and the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association. Their aim is to support the protection, research and offspring of pandas all around the world. The animal is an endangered species and, as per the last official counting’s, only 1850 can still be found in the wild in China. Only 17 zoos around the world currently have pandas.
The pandas will go in quarantine for 30 days upon arrival in Rhenen. After this period the Zoo will hold a grand opening of their specifically build stay, called ’Pandasia’.
Jan de Rijk Logistics has already transported the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus-Rex, called ‘Trix’ on behalf of KLM Cargo last year.