Smiths Detection sells 1000th 3D X-ray scanner

HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX produces high-resolution volumetric 3D images for quicker & deeper baggage assessment

Smiths Detection sells 1000th 3D X-ray scanner
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Smiths Detection, a global leader in threat detection and security screening technologies, announced the sale of 1,000th HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX computed tomography (CT) X-ray scanner.

"The HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX produces high-resolution volumetric 3D images for quicker and deeper baggage assessment and automatic explosive detection with low false-alarm rates. This provides an advanced security screening experience that allows passengers to leave electronic devices and liquids in their hand luggage, enabling passengers to move through airport security checkpoints faster, without compromising on safety. The state-of-the-art security scanner ultimately leads to greater safety outcomes, more efficient operations and improved passenger satisfaction," says an official release.

The HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX has shown to reduce time spent at security by up to 50 percent with 90 percent of passengers at Milan Linate Airport passing through security in fewer than five minutes, the release added.

“This is a significant achievement for us at Smiths Detection and is reflective of the remarkable system that the team have produced," says Philo Daniel, Global Director, Aviation and Urban Security, Smiths Detection. "Not only does the HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX generate the highest quality images but it also helps make faster decisions and has the quickest belt speed on the market – all of which contributes to getting passengers through security faster, while helping to make the world a safer place.”

The HI-SCAN 6040 also has the lowest energy consumption of its type, which not only helps customers achieve their sustainability goals but helps to reduce noise and heat emitting from the system – resulting in a calmer security screening experience and a low cost of ownership, the release said.

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