Fraport plans investments for Frankfurt CargoHub upgrade
Fraport's expansion plan includes digitalisation & process innovation, space optimisation and space development

Pierre Dominique Prümm, Board Member for Aviation and Infrastructure, Fraport, Max Philipp Conrady, Vice President, Cargo Development, Fraport and Dietmar Focke, COO, Lufthansa Cargo presented the CargoHub master plan for Frankfurt Airport at the Fraport Visitor Centre on April 25, 2024. Photos Credit: Fraport
Airport operator Fraport is expecting the Frankfurt CargoHub to handle over three million tonnes by 2040 - an increase of around 50 percent compared to the previous high of 2021.
Pierre Dominique Prümm, Board Member for Aviation and Infrastructure, Fraport
“Given the expected growth and changing requirements, now is the right time for a comprehensive innovation and investment package," says Pierre Dominique Prümm, Board Member for Aviation and Infrastructure, Fraport. "We are developing the location sustainably in line with actual demand. We have developed the CargoHub master plan for this. In this way, we are setting up the Frankfurt CargoHub for the future and providing clear impetus for Hesse as a business location in the middle of Germany and Europe.”
Master plan supported by three pillars
Fraport's goal is to remain Europe's number one cargo hub in terms of freight volume handled, and the master plan includes three central initiatives for the further development of the location: digitalisation & process innovation, space optimisation and space development.
"Fraport relies on comprehensively digitised processes to further increase efficiency and enable simple, smooth and transparent logistics. A central measure here is the cargo community system whose data-supported dashboards and analyses give participating companies real-time insights and intelligent control options. To further develop it, Fraport and software company DAKOSY founded the Allivate joint venture. In order to further accelerate the digital transformation in the cargo sector, there is already a roadmap coordinated with the cargo community.
"The company also intends to redesign and further develop existing areas in CargoCity Süd. Flight operations areas and cargo areas are to be swapped in such a way that 43,000 square metres of additional air cargo area with a direct connection to the apron as well as 20,000 square metres of additional areas for ground handling and special handling are created. The planned 18 aircraft positions will be available in a new arrangement in the future. To this end, Fraport is in intensive contact with the responsible approval authorities and will initiate the necessary plan change process as soon as possible.
"In view of the growing volume of freight, Fraport also plans to expand its capacities for air freight-related freight forwarding handling. The new Logistics Hub West is to be built on the former Ticona site in the west of the airport with the vision of a sustainable, digitalised and smart infrastructure. This development will take place in two steps: From 2028, forwarding facilities with up to 150,000 square metres of hall space will be available on around 250,000 square metres of land. There are also operational facilities for additional airport functions on 35,000 square metres. In addition, there is the possibility of further developing the Logistics Hub West into a trimodal hub with connections to road, rail and air transport from 2030 onwards."
Max Philipp Conrady, Head, Freight Development and Management, Fraport
Max Philipp Conrady, Head, Freight Development and Management, Fraport says: “In all of these projects, we take into account the needs of our customers and partners as well as those of our neighbours and provide transparent information in order to make the location sustainable for everyone. The guiding principle of our vision is Creating the Future of Cargo. Together because further development only works together with everyone involved and especially the local cargo community."
Dietmar Focke, Director, Operations, Lufthansa Cargo and member of the board of Air Cargo Community Frankfurt eV adds: "We welcome the planned measures because they offer solutions to the current challenges facing the industry. The need for more digitalisation and automation is growing in the community. Fast, digital processes are needed, especially for the growing e-commerce business. With an investment of €500 million in the modernisation of our infrastructure on site and by ordering additional freight aircraft, Lufthansa Cargo is investing heavily in its presence at the Frankfurt hub. This clearly underlines our commitment to the location.”
Dietmar Focke, Director, Operations, Lufthansa Cargo (right) with guests at the event